The Faculty of Electrical Engineering has a ninety two years long history. Several major departments, including Electromechanics, came into existence in 1920, when the former National School of Civil Engineering (established in 1864) grown into the Polytechnic School of Bucharest, endorsed by the royal edict signed by Ferdinand, King of Romania (June 10, 1920).
Today, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering provides higher education curricula (undergraduate and graduate levels), and conducts research in theoretical and applied electrotromagnetism, in areas of low frequency, low and medium voltage, medium and high currents, including: electromagnetic fields and electrical circuits, energy conversion and sources, metrology, measurement systems, electrical machines and apparatus, power electronics, electrical drives and motion control, bioengineering, electro-technology, CAD in electrical engineering, management, electromagnetic compatibility etc.
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering is founder of the National Consortium of Electrical Engineering Faculties, a nation wide academic network of the seventeen faculties of electric engineering.
